
Toonlist was the first proper website I ever made, back in the year 2000. I started it after winning a bet at work that I could name more cartoons than a colleague. We alternated saying cartoon names, then writing them down so as to avoid duplicates, and we eventually came up with around 200.

I borrowed a book from my local library, which taught me the basics of HTML. I threw all that knowledge together and made a website which listed EVERY cartoon ever seen on UK TV. The aim was to list every cartoon, but also list cast members, a synopsis, maybe a link to download the theme tune.

In 2002 I ported the site into NetObjects Fusion, after getting a copy of it free on a magazine.

In 2003 I moved it back to real HTML, after realising that NetObjects Fusion was rubbish.

In 2004 I discovered Postnuke, so moved it over to that. Postnuke was a superb CMS.

In 2006, Postnuke announced they were no longer supporting the software, so they advised everyone to find new software.

The site was good fun back when we only had 5 channels in the UK, but with the advent of Freeview it became impossible to keep track of all the cartoons and so I stopped updating it in 2008.

Now I only own the name, so you’ll have to take my word for it that it was a superb website.

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